Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Marilyn Monroe Big Sculpture - Chicago

A sculpture of Marilyn Monroe in her most famous pose was unveiled on Chicago's Magnificent Mile. It is made ​​of stainless steel and aluminum, 26-foot tall and weighs 15.5 tons.

Passers-by wasted little time positioning themselves under her billowing skirt to get a subway-grate view of Monroe in the same stance as she appeared in the 1955 film "The Seven Year Itch." Sculptor in charge is Seward Johnson.

Incredible Space Pics by NASA

Some Of The Worlds Biggest Bugs

Giant Walking Stick: Worldwide

These are some of the largest insects in the world. Some of them are actually huge. I hope that they are all harmless because some of them look like that could do some serious damage if the decided to attack.
Japanese Giant Hornet: Japan 

Titan Beetle: French Guiana and Brazil

Elephant Beetles: Mexico through Venezuela
Giant Long-Legged Katydids: Malaysia
Goliath Beetle: Ghana, Ivory Coast / Equatorial Africa, Central and East
Giant Burrowing Cockroach: Australia
Giant Camel Spiders: The deserts of the Middle East

Giant Isopod: The Gulf Of Mexico
Atlas Moth: Southeast Asia
Tarantula Hawk: Found Throughout The World
Giant Water Bug: Worldwide
Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing: Papua New Guinea
Chinese Mantis: Worldwide
Goliath Birdeater: Rainforests in South America

Some great photography 2