Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Kolodec Tora

On the Oregon Coast is a region of approximately 11 square kilometers, which is still in the 60 years began to refine and build up all sorts of amenities for tourists, as not to notice the beauty of this place is simply unreal.

Well Thor
For lovers of outdoor activities at Cape Perpetua laid about 40 km hiking trails through thick forests, with many outlets to the ocean and coastal basins, carved in the rocks over millions of years

Well Thor
Well the Torah - is a natural salt fountain.

Well Thor
During tidal Well Thor turns into a geyser, spouting pillars of salt spray.

Well Thor
Well Thor is also often called the Gates of Hell.

Well Thor
Oregon is also called the state of the sunset - after traveling along the Pacific coast, you can admire a beautiful sunset.

Well Thor
This is a very popular place with photographers, artists do not stop, even the fact that there is a very dangerous: the rampant waves can in an instant into the abyss pull the hapless adventurer.

Well Thor
 At high tide and large waves from the Well of the Torah erupts water, spilling millions of spray.

Well Thor

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