Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Nyiragongo - volcano in the Virunga mountains of Africa

Molten 'lake' of the volcano Nyiragongo

Nyiragongo - volcano in the Virunga mountains of Africa, 20 km north of Lake Kivu on the border with Rwanda Congolese territory. In 1882 there were 34 eruptions, including many periods where activity was continuous for many years.

The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, it sometimes forms a lake of lava.
Nyiragongo lava unusually fluid and fluid, such features are caused by specific chemical composition - it contains very little quartz. Thus, during the eruption, lava flowing on the slope of the volcano can reach speeds of 100 km / h The temperature of molten lava in it up to 1200 ° C.

A research team from the Geneva volcanological company, having a four-course, went on a scientific expedition in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The expedition was attended by eight people: the head of the Goma Volcano Observatory Dario Tedesco (Dario Tedesco), Jacques Barthelemy (Jacques Barthelemy), Pierre-Yves Burgi (Pierre-Yves Burgi), Frank Potet (Pranck Pothe), Mark Kaye (Marc Cailtet), Photographer Olivier Grunewald (Olivier Grunewald) and two mountain guide.
During the expedition, was investigated by the internal surface of the crater, took samples of volcanic gases and conducted measurements of the velocity changes in the level of the lake.

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
The view from the edge of the volcano, situated at an altitude of 3470 meters above sea level. At a depth of 250 meters is located lava lake - a real miracle of the African continent. (Olivier Grunewaid)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Permanent lake of lava in the crater of Nyiragongo volcano is the largest in the world. According to experts, the volume of the lake is about 8 million cubic meters. meters of lava. In 1977 and 2002, the lava lake overflows its banks, resulting in a destroyed part of the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (Olivier Grunewaid)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Gas bubbles burst at the surface of the lake. It is constantly bubbling due to crustal movements. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Seven members of the research expedition examining the territory of the lake, despite the fact that the lava is often overflows its banks. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Volcano Nyiragongo - the most active volcanoes of the eight included in the Virunga mountain range. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Prior to the expedition, all members of the research team took four courses. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
At night lava lake covers the area where the tent. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Researchers have come to the edge of the lake. Yet nobody has been able to implement this. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
A member of the team communicates by radio with the other, passing the data on the activity of lava and gases direction. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Пузыри газа взрываются на поверхности озера. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Per-Yves Burgi (Pierre-Yves Burgi) beret proby vulkaničeskogo gauze with the bottom of the crater. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Mark Kaye (Marc Cailtet) first reached the region surrounding the lake of lava. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Frank Potet (Pranck Pothe) close to the lava. For such a close approximation, the wind must blow in the back, removing the heat. His colleagues send data on changes in the wind on the radio. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Lava poured out of the crater. Year after year, the lava rises higher on the walls of the crater until the next eruption will not clear the crater. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Амуниция ученых. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent
Лава выходит из берегов. (Olivier Grunewald)

Nyiragongo volcano lake of incandescent

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