Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

The biggest pumpkin in the world

From time to time in the world set new records for growing the biggest pumpkin. Thus, according to the Guinness Book of rekrodov, the biggest pumpkin in the world, raised Chris Stevens of New Richmond, Wisconsin - it weighs 821 kg.

In the biggest pumpkin in the world of fruit
Pumpkin previously awarded the honorary title of the biggest pumpkin in the world, weighed 782 pounds and was grown in Ohio. Farmer argues that grows a lot of pumpkins, and many of them break records - until he grew a record of the highest pumpkin in the world - 113 cm

In the biggest pumpkin in the world of fruit
For the growth of giant pumpkins 32-year-old Stevens has developed a system for continuous irrigation of vegetables with cow dung and seaweed.

In the biggest pumpkin in the world of fruit
Don Ang (device) from Des Moines, Iowa Stat opiraetsâ the svou 752 kilogrammovuû tykvu pobedy after the vacancy v Haf Moon Bay 12 oktâbrâ 2009 goda. (UPI / Terry Schmitt)
It is known that the most valuable things than rich plant that contains in its very heart - the seed. Pumpkins - not the exception. These seeds give life not only the largest fruit in the world, but also have the ability to "purify the body and make the disease." Pumpkin seeds experts call "a pharmacy in miniature" because they contain virtually the entire table of vitamins and minerals and accumulate life-giving solar energy.

A special pumpkin seeds acquired fame and through zinc. The seeds of pumpkin (especially in the skin) it contains almost as much as in oysters (oysters - the richest natural source of zinc). The role of zinc in the life of the organism is simply invaluable. When this mineral deficiency new cells, including immune, just not in the body are formed, and the damage is not repaired. With a shortage of zinc rapidly aging adults and children and adolescents less developed.
Zinc - the main mineral of men's health and virility. Men need it in 6-8 times more than women. Zinc influences the activity of sex glands and the prostate gland and normalizes the secretion of testosterone and is used for the prevention and treatment of male infertility.
Scientists have recently made a discovery: Zinc - this mineral is sober! If the body is enough zinc, the reduced risk of alcoholism.
Zinc helps the pancreas to produce insulin and is able to balance blood sugar.
Obesity is also associated with lack of zinc deficiency when the glucose is converted into energy is not, and unsightly wrinkles on the sides.
When zinc deficiency is noted violations and oppression of virtually all levels of immunity. Along with the vitamins it is an important regulator of the nervous system. Zinc deficiency often leads to delayed development and puberty in children, the formation of acne in adolescents, higher levels of cholesterol.

In the biggest pumpkin in the world of fruit

Pumpkin seeds are also one of the most effective and safest anthelmintics, especially against the tape (flat) and round worms. "I do not like" worms pumpkin seeds because of the presence in them kukurbitina - amino acids, rather rare in nature. It is valuable that kukurbitin - the enemy only uninvited "guests": for a man it is absolutely harmless. By the force of the impact of worms on the pumpkin seeds are second only to drugs of male fern, but they do not have a characteristic fern side effects (do not irritate the intestines, do not cause intoxication). Therefore, pumpkin seeds are widely used for treatment of children, pregnant and elderly people.
The seeds of special varieties of pumpkins with a high content of valuable substances created by the "Product of the pumpkin seeds SOLAR berries". It is fully retained "primitive" of the pumpkin seeds and the healing properties inherent in this wonderful sunny fruit.

Very useful and pumpkin pulp. It has sugar, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, B6, E, PP, and the rare vitamin T, contributing to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose, pectin, minerals.
carotene in pumpkin is five times more than in carrots and three times more than beef liver. For this reason, ophthalmologists recommend that people with visual impairments to use a pumpkin and pumpkin juice.

In the biggest pumpkin in the world of fruit

According to the content of iron orange pumpkin deserves the title of champion of all existing vegetables, for this reason it is well to use for those who suffer from anemia.
Pectic substances found in pumpkin in large quantities, contribute to the excretion of toxic substances and cholesterol.
First of all, pumpkin is the best for vegetable diet. Pumpkin dishes included in the diet is recommended for the prevention of acute and chronic nephritis, and pyelonephritis. Thanks to the salts of potassium, pumpkin is a diuretic.
Also, this vegetable is very useful for people suffering from cardio-vascular system and hypertension.
fresh pumpkin juice good to drink with chronic constipation, inflammation of the urinary system, renal insufficiency, hemorrhoids and nervous disorders. Pumpkin perfectly displays the body of salt water and it does not irritate the kidney tissue.
In addition, healers believed that pumpkin juice helps men to maintain their sexual vitality. When toxicosis pregnant pumpkin can be used as a good tool for nausea.
Pumpkin porridge for those who want to lose weight: it normalizes metabolism and removes toxins from the body. If you are concerned about insomnia, it is useful at night to drink pumpkin juice or decoction of pumpkin with honey.
Broth pulp quench thirst and reduces fever in patients.
Pumpkin is also well suited to those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with high acidity.

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